Heart age calculator: Find your heart age with this simple calculation

 Heart age calculator determines if your heart is how it should be for a healthy human being of your age. A calculator as this adds up the factors that contribute towards the functioning of a healthy heart, also adds up the unhealthy contributors and gives you an estimation of how healthy your heart is, how it should be, and how you can improve your heart health.

A heart age calculator takes into account several factors like blood pressure, cholesterol, lifestyle and age.

"Heart age is the age of your heart and blood vessels as a result of your risk factors for heart attack and stroke," says the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The US CDC shares alarming reports on the heart age of adults. 1 in 2 men have a heart age 5 or more years older than their actual age while 2 in 5 women have a heart age 5 or more years older than their actual age, the US CDC says. In the US about 3 in 4 heart attacks and strokes are due to risk factors that increase heart age.
As per a latest report from the World Health Organisation (WHO), in India heart diseases account for 45% of the total deaths in the 40-69 age group.

A person can be 53 but the heart can be 75 years old!

Find out your heart age

The heart age is estimated considering the points you get in each of the following questions:

What is your sex?

  • Male
  • Female
What is your age?

  • 30-34 years (minus 9 if female; minus 1 if male)
  • 35-39 years (minus 4 if female; zero if male)
  • 40–44 years (zero if female; plus 1 if male)
  • 45–49 years (plus 3 if female; plus 2 if male)
  • 50-54 years (plus 6 if female; plus 3 if male )
  • 55-59 years (plus 7 if female; plus 4 if male)
  • 60-64 years (plus 8 if female; plus 5 if male)
  • 65-69 years (plus 8 if female; plus 6 if male)
  • 70-74 years (plus 8 if female; plus 7 if male)


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